The American Garage

Posts from 2017-08-28

The American Garage Minute- Headlight Polishing

TAG Minute- Headlights! I know that you have noticed how your headlights do not stay clear and bright- especially as your car gets older. Check out this brief episode where Steve shows you how to clean up those headlights, keeping them clear and making your night illumination brighter. And, it helps keeping your car look great. It’s simpler than you would think! 

The American Garage Minute- Brake Inspection



The American Garage brake inspectionSteve shows how to inspect your brakes- even without touching the car! Whether you fix it yourself or have someone else, you can still know how to determine the condition of your brakes.


The American Garage Minute- Garden Prep

Spring time is time to plant the garden! Steve gets the ground prepared.

David Bradley right side

The American Garage Minute- Tire Sizes

On The American Garage, Steve explains tire sizes. If you are thinking about changing the size of your tires or wheels, the fit on your car is very important. Not all wheels and tires work together, and if your car is slightly exotic, you may have limited options.